Friday, February 25, 2011

Social Media's Challenge

Social media has lowered transaction and collaboration costs and enhanced people's capability to collaborate. Hierarchical leadership models are becoming more and more outdated, stalled and failing. The Industrial Age and its institutions have run out of gas. In short, Tapscott says, we are facing nothing less than a turning point in human history, and this creates friction, of course. The huge challenge for us now is to shape this emerging open network paradigm which, to many in charge, seems to lack structure and organization. There is no easy answer in how our societies and businesses can deal with the challenge of rebuilding themselves along this new model of networked intelligence. We do know the principles though -- collaboration, openness, sharing, interdependence and integrity, and you may want to see the presentation or read Tapscott's new book Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World to understand how these principles are currently starting to be applied in business and government. -core77

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