Monday, January 30, 2012

Product Designer Marc Newson

As a designer Newson seems more in touch with the materials and processes of designing than the conventional definition of beauty for the object his designing. It is his odd aesthetic that has contributed to his many of his designs being art world successes, a unique accomplishment for a product designer.

"Newson’s career as arguably the most influential industrial designer of his generation and the leading exponent of the so-called design-art movement may stand as much on the quasi-­moral power of design to affirm the social virtues of wit, proportion, elegance and simplicity, as on his obsession with futuristic forms and modernist aesthetics. Not that he has any overt agenda as a design evangelist. His motivation, apart from the business of it all, is the spirit of personal discovery, not civic edification. Each project is a fresh encounter with the material world."


Article: Is There Anything Marc Newson Hasn't Designed?

Slideshow: Timeline of His Work

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